Saturday, February 16, 2013

Drones and Guns

On February 9th, I submitted a letter to the editor of my hometown newspaper which contained these two subjects - drones and gun ban - but for the sake of limited space had to keep the total wordage to less than 300.  My letter was printed on February 13, 2013 and the Editor graciously included my entire letter with very minor editing.  I have found that many people either don't know what is going on or are ill-informed so I cannot stress the importance of passing this on to all you know and from them to all they know: 
A 16 page Department of Justice White Paper claims that the President of the United States has the sole authority to use lethal force against any American citizen in a foreign country who is or who is suspected of being, a terrorist or conspiring with terrorists against this country. 
This determination would be based on an ‘informed, high-level official’ of the government whose ‘minimum requirements necessary to render such an operation’ would be that the targeted individual poses an imminent threat, capture is infeasible, and such operation would be conducted in accordance with applicable principles of war.  While I adamantly agree that those who commit treason against this country must be held accountable, it should be noted that we still have a Constitution that does not in any manner, shape or form, give the President of the United States an unfettered, unilateral ability to carry out such an action.  The Constitution explicitly provides consequences for an act of treason. This is not a monarchy or dictatorship, yet, but the constant dismissal of the rule of law and by-passing the Constitution tell me we cannot let this go unanswered.  It is just one step from over there to over here.

Speaking of by-passing the Constitution, in March there will be another United Nations arms treaty meeting.  If you think the current push on gun bans is not connected to this treaty, think again.  (You never want a serious crisis go to waste/Rahm Emmanuel)  Both the President and the former Secretary of State have embraced this treaty and current Secretary of State Kerry is an Obama/Clinton clone.    With the current push in the Senate and the President’s ‘campaign’ tour, this time we might just have our entire Second Amendment rights taken away by a 2/3 majority in the Senate.   Ponder on that one.  
In upcoming posts, I will attempt to bring to you as much information as possible regarding the thought processes and objectives of not only President Obama but also the Democrat liberal left and the MSM.  All information will have links to which you will be able to refer and, of course, you should research anything I post here and not just take my word for it.  Once you start putting the pieces together, which many have already begun to do, you will see what the emerging disaster will bring UNLESS, we turn back to God, pray for forgiveness and put Him back into our lives in every aspect.  THAT is what has made this country so great. 
"if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray
and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14

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