There has never been a more blatant move against morality than has been shown in the agressive movement by the gay activists to bring the Boy Scouts of America to its knees by forcing them to admit homosexuals into the group. The agenda has succeeded with flying colors unfortunately.

While the BSA has allowed openly homosexual boys to join, they continue to recite the following oath:
How ludicrous are the last two words to the oath - morally straight - . The very fact that the BSA has caved in to the homosexual demands for admittance is already a contradiction of the principle of being 'morally straight' and a mockery to their 'duty to God'.
This is just the first step and before long, there will be a concerted effort to force this organization to compromise once again by allowing homosexual adults into leadership. Yes, that will definitely happen and how can it possibly be stopped? It can't because the hue and cry then will be - 'it's discrimination' not to allow gay leaders since they have accommodated gay young boys. The scouts will not have a leg to stand on because they have already taken the first step and there is no good reason that can be offered up to refuse adult homosexual leaders. None, nadda. They will never again be able to plead, in front of the highest court in Amerca, they are a religious organization and have the right to refuse adult homosexuals as scout leaders.
"No one can serve two masters; for either
he will hate the one and love the other, or
else he will be loyal to the one and despise
the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."
Matt. 6:24
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