The trial just completed in Sanford, Florida of George Zimmerman, a man of Hispanic descent who killed Trayvon Martin, a young black man of 17 in self-defense was nothing short of a farce. The unnecessasry, premature intrusion and interference injected into this unfortunate incident by our Department of Justice AG, Eric Holder, aided and abetted by that old master troublemaker and self-righteous individual, Rev. Al Sharpton was totally reprehensible.

Massive demonstrations, we have since learned, were aided and abetted by a division of the DOJ known as Community Relations Service (with our tax dollars) whereupon Mr. Zimmerman was arrested and charged with second degree murder. While we have come to more or less accept that Al Sharpton sooner or later injects himself into any situation that involves a black person IF a white person is involved we should certainly be able to expect that the AG would stand on the law and not any personal biases.
How this played out:
MSM - withheld information details of the crime that might be damaging to Trayvon in order to protect him and indict Zimmerman; flooded the news with flattering photos of Trayvon that made him look like an innocent adolescent and withheld that he was six foot plus while Zimmerman was a smaller man; labeled Zimmerman as a 'white Hispanic' and omitted important information that would be favorable to him; withheld photos of Zimmerman's injuries and edited portions of Zimmerman's calls to the police that made it seem he was using racist terms.
Statement by the President of the United States: “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon”.
Without knowing whether any civil right(s) of the victim had been violated or if it was racially motivated, our esteemed AG Holder jumped into the fray and started an investigation three weeks prior to an April 11, 2012 speech he gave to the National Action Network (Al Sharpton). In that speech he said, "Although I cannot share where current efforts will lead us from here I can assure you that, in this investigation.....we will examine the facts and the law." Well, that's a hoot!
In a speech to the NAACP in May, 2012, Mr. Holder said, "Despite "significant" progress in civil rights, the nation is still struggling to "overcome injustice" and "eliminate disparities".
None of this includes remarks made by politicians who like to embellish their 'outrage' at this travesty to the black community or remarks made by the New Black Panther Party leader or by 'righteous' Hollywood liberals, all calling for Mr. Zimmerman's skin.
Can we say with a great deal of emphasis, everything about this case was purely political and had little, if anything, to do with justice?
* * * * * * *
The jury verdict: Mr. Zimmerman was found not guilty of second degree murder. You see, there was no evidence on which to base that charge in the first place and the prosecution pretty much handed the defense every single witness they called to discredit George Zimmerman. However, according to Al Sharpton, that little spit-fire - this is not the end.
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