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The American People |
Rep. John Culberson, R-TX said, "Today the constitutional conservatives in the House are keeping their word to our constituents and our nation to stand true to our principles, to protect them from the most unpopular law ever passed in the history of the country - ObamaCare- that intrudes on their privacy and our most sacred right as Americans to be left alone."
Speaker of the House, John Boehner stated: "The American people don't want the government to shut down and they don't want Obamacare," he said, "The House has listened to the American people. Now it's time for the United States Senate to listen to them as well."
We all know this is an uphill battle; that Harry Reid is not going to pass it much less that the President would sign it. I don't think that's the point. Republicans won the House in 2010 based on repealing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare); unfortunately the public didn't see fit to unseat Obama in 2012, consequently we are still left with a Democrat majority Senate and a Democratic President, who by the way, has stated over and over that he will not negotiate with the Republicans.
As I write this, it has been announced that Republican Senators McConnell and Cornyn are deliberately working against Senators Cruz and Lee in their quest to defund this horrendouse piece of invasive legislation. We need to remember them particularly come election time and do everything we can to make sure they do not win re-election in their home states. We already know that other Senators such as McCann will not help Cruz/Lee and many of the GOP that seem to continually forget who they are supposed to represent, such as Susan Collins, Kelly Ayotte and Lisa Murkowsi, will undoubtedly go with Senator Reid to pull the defunding of the ACA (Obamacare) out of the House bill.
So here's what I think we need to remember here - the House GOP has put itself on the line to 1) fulfill an election promise and defund something that millions of Americans voiced their opposition to via rallies, phone calls, emails and faxes, 2) knowing full well the odds of the Senate following through, and 3) knowing full well that the President would accuse them of wanting to shut down the government and not caring about the American people. Since the President AND his Senate Democrats pushed this bill through right after the 2010 election and before the House majority changed to GOP from Dems, we KNOW who doesn't care about the American people. Additionally, anytime a President brazenly states he will not negotiate with the other party, you can safely bet his whole sentence would be: 'it's my way or the highway' to the American people as well.
P.S. Let's all give a hand to Chief Justice John Roberts who REALLY had to dig to make this piece of trash constitutional!
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