Monday, June 16, 2014



Ever since Virginia elected a Democratic trio in 2013 to head up its state house the chaos that has ensued bears an uncanny resemblance to that of the Democratic takeover of the White House of the United States  and the subsequent "transformation" of America as promised by that occupant. 
We, in Virginia, are in the midst of a fundamental transformation of our beloved Virginia, home of eight U.S. presidents (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor and Woodrow Wilson),   one of the 13 original colonies and site of the first permanent settlement in Jamestown (1607), for starters.  The truth is Virginia has played an important role in the history of this country.  We are now at a dangerous fork in the road and what we do from now on will quite possibly set the mood for how the rest of the country goes.

As I have previously written, Attorney General Mark R. Herring who was in office no longer than 14 days before he let everyone know that he had decided not to defend the marriage amendment to the Virginia Constitution had proceeded to join plaintiffs in urging the court to find the amendment unconstitutional (see "Eye on Virginia"/January 27th and "The Unilateral Disease"/April 14th). 
Subsequent to that, complaints alleging violation of the Professional Code of Ethics of the Virginia Bar Association were formally filed against Mr. Herring in  late February/early March from at least 69 complainants.  Answer was received in May from Mr. Herring's attorney requesting dismissal of the complaints.   Responses to that were then filed by the complainants re-asserting the violation(s).  At this juncture we wait for further word from the Virginia Bar Association. 

Mr. Herring's next unilateral move asserted the authority to bypass the Virginia General Assembly and declare a form of the 'Dream Act': any student in Virginia, presently on American soil brought here illegally by illegal immigrant parents at an early age,  would be entitled to in-state college tuition. He has instructed the colleges to proceed on    his declaration. 

This declaration has elicited outrage from citizens and legislators.  Calls for Mr. Herring's impeachment grow louder as he continues in blatant disregard and violation of the Virginia Constitution, Article IV, Section 17 and the rule of law.  Amid a firestorm of growing unrest, Speaker of the House of Delegates,  Bill Howell has said there will be no impeachment proceedings at this time.  His stance is eerily familiar to the stance of U. S. Speaker of the House John Boehner who also resists impeachment proceedings against a President who by passes Congress on a regular basis, violates the rule of law on levels previously unheard of and stomps all over our Constitution.

We are at a  fork in the road where decisions need to be made regarding the future of Virginia.

Hearing the call and outcry of the citizens of Virginia who can see where the wrong road could lead, a lone Virginia House Delegate, Bob Marshall has decided to take action to restore sanity and the rule of law to its former position and, really folks, he needs our help. 

Delegate Marshall filed a House Resolution to direct the House Courts of Justice to examine the constitutional basis for impeachment of Attorney General Herring.  He had no sooner done this than Speaker Howell quashed it.  (Shades of John Boehner!) 

Additionally, as one of the originators of the marriage amendment now waiting for an appeals court decision, Delegate Marshall has been outspoken in his opposition to a redefining of marriage and is joined by the Coalition of African-American Pastors who intend to launch an "aggressive campaign" to reach out to 500 churches in the state within the coming months to put pressure on Virginia delegates to put an end to Herring's lawless and unconstitutional behavior. 

Standing outside the state Capitol on June 3rd, Delegate Marshall and several African-American church leaders vowed to take on this fight warning that allowing two people of the same sex to 'marry' would have profoundly far-reaching effects.  His warning has been met with scorn, derisive comments and classified as the ravings of a madman.  His warning has much merit and his concern for Virginia cannot go unheeded.   

In upcoming segments, it is the intent to inform and educate you on the whole agenda of the lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender movement, the pros and cons and real-life, no holds barred information.    There will be no 'tip-toeing through the tulips' and you may even be surprised to find that the goals of the lgbt movement and the goals of socialism/communism run in parallel paths. 

The fork in the road is right here, right now, in front of us.  It's coming up decision time.  

"For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the ungodly shall perish."
Ps. 1:6 NKJV



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