who, without notice to Congress trades 5 known terroists from Gitmo for one marine who just may have been a deserter (we may never know for sure), then holds a happy, happy news conference in the Rose Garden to 'celebrate' with his parents on the occasion of his freedom

yet isn't doing one positive thing to secure freedom for a marine (Tahmooressi) who wandered into Mexico one dark night, was arrested and has been held in a Mexican jail for 100 days awaiting trial for allegedly "illegally" transporting firearms into Mexico,
or his lackadaisical nonchalance regarding the American Christian pastor being held in Iran.
What I gather from this whole debacle is this - it's A-OK for our borders to be breached AND to trade terrorists for one lone Marine with a questionable situation BUT, the Christian Pastor and the Marine who has served his country well and at this point needs medical care, just aren't worth his time.
or his lackadaisical nonchalance regarding the American Christian pastor being held in Iran.
What I gather from this whole debacle is this - it's A-OK for our borders to be breached AND to trade terrorists for one lone Marine with a questionable situation BUT, the Christian Pastor and the Marine who has served his country well and at this point needs medical care, just aren't worth his time.
These figures speak for themselves. If this 'invasion' is allowed to continue unchecked, you can see what our immediate future is going to look like.
On Wednesday, the President was able to tear himself away from his billiards game and fund raising long enough to publicly address the Congress, and more pointedly the Republicans, requesting almost 4 Billion Dollars (with $615 Million for Forest Fires thrown in ????) as emergency spending to "deal with the crisis on the border". Did we see this coming? Ever heard of "never let a crisis go to waste"?
My opinion? We don't need to do anymore 'funding' for this debacle. Simply CLOSE/SECURE the border, stop sending out the message 'illegals will be welcome and not turned back' AND stop blaming the previous POTUS and the GOP for a 'crisis' deliberately created by the current administration.
When oh when are the American people going to wake up?
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