I can almost guarantee that when former United States Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, spoke of 'domestic terrorists' in her 2009 paper on domestic terrorists* these were not the ones she had in mind. Hers were more on the order of Tea Party types, conservatives, returning military, and anyone who voiced an opinion about the size of government or disagreed with the politics and aims of the POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama.
To the best of my knowledge the map you are looking at is not recent - that is, not current as of 2014, which means that as of this date, in Virginia specifically, there are at least 5 such training camps. This is not a myth. This is all too true; the government knows about them and my question is, since our government knows, why are they allowed to exist? This is the ENEMY training to kill us on our own soil.
According to a Hagman and Hagman Report**, issued sometime in 2007 or 2008 (I didn't see a published date on it anywhere), "Mosques and Islamic centers in the U.S. are actively teaching jihad ideology and paramilitary training in the U.S.". A report by David Gaubatz, Dir. of Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism for the Society of Americans for National Existence and a former senior U.S. intelligence office, "Our initial investigation has concluded there are between 400 to 500 radical Islamic centers in the U.S. In those places, they preach an extreme version of Islam that says America and the West is the enemy. They espouse violence, hatred and the need for terrorism."
In an article by Robert Spencer*** he quotes Pakistani Sheikh Muburak Gilani, leader of the jihad terrorist group Jamaat ul-Fuqra as saying, "We are fighting to destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots and its roots are America." A documentary titled "Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.", reveals there are such compounds within the U.S. in remote rural areas such as Hancock, NY and Red House, VA. basically left to their own devices, unimpeded by either local or federal authorities.
Again, in an article in http://conservativepapers.com, titled "Muslim Enclaves U.S.A.", (July 9, 2010) we find that Muslim are creating "states within states" across America and that this has been an ongoing project for quite some time. One community cited was Gwynn Oak located in Baltimore, MD whose followers adhere to "specific moral rules based on Islam and people speak Arabic". The compound includes a 3 story mosque servicing approximately 400 Muslims. A similar compound can be found in Little Rock, Arkansas known as the Islamic Center for Human Excellence, with funding from the United Arab Emirates. These are not unique - there are many more - too many more.
The Christian Action Network (CAN) tracks and monitors training sites that not only teach Sharia but recruit militants to strike at our nation (see: http://conservativepapers.com). According to CAN the Hancock, NY site, called the Town of Islamberg, was founded by Muslims of America, a militant group. Residents obey Sharia law and are told what they can and cannot watch on tv; women are denied an education and compelled into polygamous marriages.
And you thought this was still America!
This is a very alarming state of affairs. There is so much more of this information but I look at all of it and cannot believe we have let this country come this far without a whimper. We cannot know all this and still think we can look the other way or maybe if we ignore it, it will all go away. Not hardly! With the rise of ISIS/ISIL in the Middle East, we can't ignore it because the reality is, the enemy is already here and they are recruiting our young, susceptible men and women to join them. It needs to stop.
This situation should make it imperative we secure our borders and enforce immigration laws already on the books. The immigration system isn't broken - the politicians are and this President doesn't have any concern at all for the safety and security of this country. It's time we let those we send to Congress know, "we're sick and tired and we're not gonna take it anymore"!
More on this subject soon.
*[PDF]Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political ...fas.org/irp/eprint/rightwing.pdf
According to a Hagman and Hagman Report**, issued sometime in 2007 or 2008 (I didn't see a published date on it anywhere), "Mosques and Islamic centers in the U.S. are actively teaching jihad ideology and paramilitary training in the U.S.". A report by David Gaubatz, Dir. of Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism for the Society of Americans for National Existence and a former senior U.S. intelligence office, "Our initial investigation has concluded there are between 400 to 500 radical Islamic centers in the U.S. In those places, they preach an extreme version of Islam that says America and the West is the enemy. They espouse violence, hatred and the need for terrorism."
In an article by Robert Spencer*** he quotes Pakistani Sheikh Muburak Gilani, leader of the jihad terrorist group Jamaat ul-Fuqra as saying, "We are fighting to destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots and its roots are America." A documentary titled "Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.", reveals there are such compounds within the U.S. in remote rural areas such as Hancock, NY and Red House, VA. basically left to their own devices, unimpeded by either local or federal authorities.
Again, in an article in http://conservativepapers.com, titled "Muslim Enclaves U.S.A.", (July 9, 2010) we find that Muslim are creating "states within states" across America and that this has been an ongoing project for quite some time. One community cited was Gwynn Oak located in Baltimore, MD whose followers adhere to "specific moral rules based on Islam and people speak Arabic". The compound includes a 3 story mosque servicing approximately 400 Muslims. A similar compound can be found in Little Rock, Arkansas known as the Islamic Center for Human Excellence, with funding from the United Arab Emirates. These are not unique - there are many more - too many more.
The Christian Action Network (CAN) tracks and monitors training sites that not only teach Sharia but recruit militants to strike at our nation (see: http://conservativepapers.com). According to CAN the Hancock, NY site, called the Town of Islamberg, was founded by Muslims of America, a militant group. Residents obey Sharia law and are told what they can and cannot watch on tv; women are denied an education and compelled into polygamous marriages.
And you thought this was still America!
This is a very alarming state of affairs. There is so much more of this information but I look at all of it and cannot believe we have let this country come this far without a whimper. We cannot know all this and still think we can look the other way or maybe if we ignore it, it will all go away. Not hardly! With the rise of ISIS/ISIL in the Middle East, we can't ignore it because the reality is, the enemy is already here and they are recruiting our young, susceptible men and women to join them. It needs to stop.
This situation should make it imperative we secure our borders and enforce immigration laws already on the books. The immigration system isn't broken - the politicians are and this President doesn't have any concern at all for the safety and security of this country. It's time we let those we send to Congress know, "we're sick and tired and we're not gonna take it anymore"!
More on this subject soon.
*[PDF]Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political ...fas.org/irp/eprint/rightwing.pdf
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