To say that I am a diehard advocate of life would probably be a gross understatement. Actually, I can't recall any point in my life where I would have been an advocate for anything more important.
I recall in my early twenties having a friend who found herself in an unwanted pregnancy deciding to rid herself of the 'burden'. She did not tell the father, who had been trying to get her to marry him, that she was pregnant. At that time, abortions were not yet legal but somehow she was able to find someone in our city who performed abortions. I really don't recall how far along she was in her pregnancy or whether she even told me but she asked me to do something that to this day I ask the Lord to forgive me for. She asked that I drive her to where she needed to go and pick her up afterward. My immediate response was no that I didn't want to be a part of what she was about to do but she pleaded and begged until I finally said I would drive her there but that she was to get someone else to pick her up. Up to that point, we had been very close friends since junior high and gone through the usual teenage rigors of growing up. This was something entirely new to me and I found myself recoiling at the thought of what she was about to do and that I was about to help her. It would be safe to say that although we remained friends, our friendship was changed from that day forward.
I have been married since the mid-fifties and have four wonderful, healthy children. Never at any time did I ever fully comprehend the life that was forming in me much less have the opportunity to actually see that child grow. I believe the best at the time was hearing a heartbeat and actually feeling the movements inside of me. Today, scientific advancement has greatly improved the ability to not only feel but actually see that little child as he or she develops day by day, month by month and that brings me to the point of this 'story'.
This is a 10 week baby in an amniotic sac in the womb that has been aborted using an 'abortion pill' originally known as RU-486. Please note the baby has eyes, arms, hands, legs and feet attached to a body that while not fully developed (of course) indicates that a little human being is growing inside a host known as a 'mommy'. That is supposed to be a protected area. This baby is actually 'breathing'. Someone needs to explain to me how it is ok to murder a helpless child. BTW, this baby has his/her own DNA, separate from the mother.
It is long past time to stop the murder of innocents. "Viability" has nothing to do with it - Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton must be overturned!
Since the Supreme Court decision in 1973 in Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton, well over 57,000,000 babies have been murdered in the United States alone! It could be declared the same as 'open hunting season' on deer. I do not apologize for my description and I see no other way to call it. I need to show you 'what' is actually being slaughtered.

Almost all states have some kind of time limit on obtaining an abortion. According to the Guttmacher Institute in "An Overview of Abortion Laws" as of February 1, 2015:
39 states require an abortion be performed by a licensed physician, 21 states require abortions be performed in a hospital after a specified point of time in the pregnancy and 18 states require the involvement of a 2nd physician after a specified point; 42 states prohibit abortions, generally except when necessary to protect the woman's life or health, after a specified point (most common = 20 -24 wks.); 26 states require a woman seeking an abortion to wait a specified period of time (usually 24 hrs.) between receiving counseling and the actual procedure and 10 of those states have laws requiring women to make 2 separate trips to the clinic to obtain the procedure.
Well, we have just looked at the development of a 10 week child in the womb. Here is what a 20 week child in the womb looks like:
Development at 20 Weeks
"The baby weighs about 10 ounces and is a little more than 6 inches long.....The baby can suck a thumb, yawn, stretch, and make faces. Soon -- if you haven't already -- you'll feel your baby move, which is called "quickening." (info from Abortions are performed beyond this gestation period in many states although there is a move on to limit it to 20 weeks. Even at 20 weeks, there can be no mistaking that this is a living, breathing human being.It is long past time to stop the murder of innocents. "Viability" has nothing to do with it - Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton must be overturned!
"Open your mouth for the speechless, In
the cause of all who are appointed to die"
Proverb 31:8 NKJV
Grace, I have a close friend in Northern VA who has been married over 30 years and has three grown children in their twenties. About 15 or 16 yrs. ago, this friend got pregnant with her fourth. The husband said "abort or I leave you and all the kids". My friend said she was afraid, couldn't support herself, three kids, and a new baby, no support from parents or her church. So my friend capitulated and aborted. She carries heavy emotional baggage to this day.