Friday, November 23, 2012


Recently, our local newspaper printed a letter from a gentleman condemning Gov. Romney for his statement that President Obama won re-election this November because of "gifts" he provided certain demographic groups.  The letter writer was also quick to condemn statements made by attorney Matt Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel and Dean of Liberty University School of Law as a message of  "fear, paranoia, xenophobia, homophobia and religious bigotry.  His language was that of the typical liberal whose motto can only be classified as - 'do as I say, not as I do'.

 Following is my response letter to the editor dated Nov. 22nd:

I have read with great interest Mr. Blackwell’s letter published November 20th and I can certainly commiserate with him regarding all around lack of ‘civility’.  However, while civility is demanded by one side of the other with reference to the office of president, those making that demand conveniently ‘forget’ the lack of civility and respect exhibited  toward former President Bush.  That is not justification however, just an observation.   

I do agree with the portion of Mr. Blackwell’s letter that states in part: “Spreading these malicious distortions among the susceptible and the ill-informed serves to perpetuate the obsessive hate…..behavior that should be rejected by all citizens…..” because those condemnations also apply to what we witnessed in the unrelenting character assassination of Governor Romney carried out by the left including a willing, biased media.  The Democrats have done a far better job of creating fear, paranoia, religious bigotry, class warfare, and conjuring up xenophobia than the GOP have been able to do in effectively exposing it.

The First Amendment to the Constitution has been almost totally annihilated except for ‘freedom of the press’ who remain free to say anything about anyone, true or otherwise; however, freedom of speech, followed closely on its heels by freedom of religion is almost totally out the door for Christians, and conservatives who are continually met with choruses of  “racism”, “sexism”, “homophobia”, “hate speech” each and every time an opinion or religious thought is expressed that runs contrary to what is commonly known as ‘politically correct’.   As for institutional instructors - in a majority of colleges,  universities and even grades K-12 throughout America – where is his outrage over their brazen propaganda inciting discontent and hate-mongering toward religion, conservatism and capitalism “among the susceptible and the ill-informed”?  Oh, wait…… 

Thomas Jefferson, president, statesman, patriot and a Virginian  said:

 “And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God?   That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever.”                Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, Query 18, 1781

Yes, Mr. Jefferson knew – once you remove God from the mix, we’re in trouble.  Maybe we should also  pray for a return to sanity as well as civility.
Civil comments will be greatly appreciated

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