Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Brave Pastor

Since President Obama came out (evolved) with his support of gay marriage, there have been various  comments, pro and con, from numerous religious leaders as well as elected officials.  I, personally, believe that the President has deliberately put the African American community in a position of having to make a choice - that is to  choose between what their religious belief is and has always been or loyalty to a man of color who happens to be the leader of the free world.  Many of these African American religious leaders have said that although they do not agree with the President on this matter or even on his abortion stance, they will still support him in November.  Sad, when God plays second fiddle to a mere human. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Religious Activism

Two items of note:

First Item - 
The author of The Exorcist, William P. Blatty is preparing to help students (and possibly others) of Georgetown University prepare a canon lawsuit to be filed with the Archdiocese of Washington and the Vatican.  Mr. Blatty is a Georgetown alumnus and expresses his immense displeasure that Georgetown is no longer true to the Catholic identity he was familiar with as a member of the class of 1950.  The purpose of the canon lawsuit seeks remedies "up to and including possible removal or suspension of top-ranked Georgetown's right to call itself Catholic or Jesuit in its fundraising and representations to applicants."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The 'Gay' Agenda

Ever since President Obama 'came out' for gay marriage on May 9th, our local newspaper has received letter after letter to the editor, pro and con on this subject.  Many of the letters seemed to be in favor of this particular lifestyle chastising those who were in opposition as homophobes, bigots, religious wackos, hate mongers, fear mongers, 'fearful' of homosexuals and the list goes on.   As a Christian and firm believer in the word of the Bible I cannot condone this type of lifestyle and I am firmly opposed to young children being taught that it is a valid, alternative to heterosexuality.