Thursday, February 7, 2013

Nothing is Sacred

It gets increasingly difficult to keep up  with President Obama's agenda, aided and abetted by the MSM, when it comes to which of his 'targets' he is pushing on any given day.  After all, unless something changes dramatically in presidential terms, he only has another four years to totally bring this country to its knees mired in despair, degradation and immorality.   The key to his victory is divisiveness.  That's his agenda; ours must be to stop whining and overcome it.  To do this, we MUST return to our Creator and return Him to our lives.

One of the first things we need to remember about Mr. Obama is that he is a 'community organizer' and his thought processes are steeped in  progressive/socialist dogma.  All you need do is read either Alinksy's Rules for Radicals and/or the Communist Manifesto of 1963 - then this becomes obvious.  What may not be so obvious to some is that the Democrat party has been taken over by these 'principles' and moves in concert with the President and the MSM to carry them out.

Briefly, what are their aims?  Not necessarily in order of priority:
1.     Discredit and annihilate the GOP by any means possible (in process)
        creating a dictatorship
2.     Infiltrate schools, colleges and universities with diversity and 'social
        equality' programs (ongoing)
3.     Remove any mention of God from the public square
        (that is all inclusive)  (ongoing)
4.     Divide the populace (class warfare, racial strife, etc.) (ongoing)
5.     Endorsement of gay marriage (ongoing)
6.     Demoralize the military by abandoning DADT and allowing
        women in combat (in process)
7.     Endorsement of  abortion for any reason at any time (ongoing)
8.     Override the rule of law and Constitution to carry out their
        agenda (ongoing)
9.     Control all aspects of public communication (ongoing)

That isn't a complete list - but it should be enough for every patriotic, God-fearing American to take very, very seriously.  Mr. Obama's continual end-runs around Congress AND the Constitution are beyond 'occasional'; now they are habitual.  This behavior cannot remain unchecked!

".....Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. 
It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
John Adams, Oct. 11, 1798 


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