Tuesday, July 2, 2013


It would appear that many politicians (particularly those on the left), liberals  and the mainstream media would rather  persecute, belittle and bully any American who is opposed to the immigration bill recently passed in the Senate (S 744) when there is perfectly legitimate concern for the resultant consequences.  First, it is over 1,000 pages, most of the Senators haven't read it and/or don't even know what's in it AND it is filled with 'pork'.  Secondly, which is really first - we already have an immigration law; unfortunately, it is not being enforced.  Could that be why it's 'broken'? 

Let me just rattle off a couple of 'immigration' deals added for  vote inducements:

a)  Senators Murkowski/Begich (Alaska) -  provides for fish canneries to bring in foreign workers (what's wrong with American workers?) to fill the jobs

b)  Senators Reid/Heller (Nevada) - allows the government to spend up to $100 Million a year promoting tourist areas (like Las Vegas) and bring in foreign labor to fill the jobs (again, what's wrong with American workers?)

c)  Senator Sanders (Vermont) - received 1.5 billion to train young people for jobs (what jobs folks?)
Understand that by employing foreign workers, employers will pay lower wages, avoid paying unemployment/Medicare/Social Security, etc. AND the workers must have their own health insurance which will save the employer the Obamacare fee(s).  Think about that - by not employing American citizens, employers will save any penalty fee(s) associated by not providing insurance for them!  Now THERE'S an inducement for business wouldn't you say?

The Senate bill gives unprecedented discretionary and regulatory powers over immigration to the Department of Homeland Security, not Congress.  Does that give you a warm and fuzzy feeling? 

Does it seem as though there is a not-so-covert effort to abolish Congress (the Legislative branch) while expanding the Executive branch?  Under this Senate bill there will be an expansion of government bureaucracy as in a Southern Border Security Commission, Dept. of Homeland Security Border Oversight Task Force, Task Force on New Americans, Joint Employment Fraud Task Force, Bureau of Immigration and Labor Market and who knows what else.  That is EXPANSION of government!  If you are looking to reduce government - this bill is definitely NOT what you want.
This bill is bad enough and detrimental enough to the job situation for all legitimate, legal citizens of this country so that  a black coalition, Black American Leadership Alliance wrote  to members of the 'Gang of Eight', the Congressional Black Caucus and states with the highest levels of black unemployment warning of the harm it will do to black workers.
Additionally, two major immigration groups representing thousands of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services officers  were not consulted and their concerns about the bill were ignored.  According to the U.S. CIS Council President, the immigration bill  ".....would grant legal status to millions who "have committed serious immigration and criminal offenses."   

Frankly this would be my solution and in this order:
1.  Close the border(s)
2.  Secure the border(s)
3.  Immediately enforce all current immigration laws with cooperation of the states
4.  Immediately do a search for all who have been issued 'visas' that have expired and deport them, regardless of age, etc. - they are here illegally
 5.  No amnesty 

We are a sovereign nation and we need to put our laws back in place and working for US.




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