Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I watch with growing alarm as the descent of morals, traditional values, constitutional freedoms and liberties give way to the political correctness of assuaging a liberal agenda that embraces an out of control society who delights in perversion and self-gratification.  We are treading in dangerous waters.  Our President thinks nothing of making end runs around Congress, issuing Executive Orders to carry out his wishes, picking and choosing which laws he will allow to be enforced or defended, and unilaterally changing the Healthcare Law at least 24 times since its enactment.  Listen to a supporter of President Obama who is himself, along with many others, concerned by the lawlessness of the President:


There can be absolutely no doubt, we have become a lawless nation and a decadent society.  We have tossed God aside, removing  him from  our schools, public places, the military,  and in general  allowed His existence to be denied.   This country was given to us to care for by our Creator.  He has blessed us even through our inequities but can He wait forever for us to come to our senses.  Is it not time now to pray for forgiveness and seek His blessings.
Thirty three (33) states voted to amend their Constitutions to memorialize the definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman.  That was the actual will of the people in all those states, by popular vote.  I would like to also point out here that every citizen eligible to vote in those states was given the opportunity to make their voice heard.  No one was denied that right. 

Seventeen states legalized two men being able to 'marry' and two women being able to 'marry' each other but citizens of 14 of those states were not given an option to vote and here is how it breaks down: a) by court decision 6 states; b) by legislative decision 8 states;  c) by popular vote 3 states. Those of us who oppose this situation are told we are homophobic bigots.  Can wanting to preserve both the history and the future of America now be labeled as homophobic bigotry?  Can wanting children to have the balance of a mom and dad in their lives be classified as bigotry? 

Additionally, the LGBT community has vowed, particularly after the Supreme Court DOMA decision in 2013, they would move to have every State Constitution that identifies marriage as being between one man/one woman struck down and declared unconstitutional.  So far they have been successful in winning that initial decision in lower federal courts of at least 5 states.

Several state Attorneys General (in blue states) along with Virginia's newly elected Attorney General (a Democrat who previously voted twice for the amendment)  have refused to defend the Constitutional Amendment.   Virginia's AG Mark Herring  has taken it one step further, however,  and is supporting an action against the Commonwealth to have it declared unconstitutional.  His actions against both the Commonwealth and the 1.3 plus million who voted for the amendment can only be classified in legal terms as a gigantic 'conflict of interest'. 

Adding to this travesty of the rule of law, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has this advice for states Attorneys General: 

"U.S Attorney General Eric Holder today issued guidance to state attorneys general on same-sex marriage bans, announcing they are under no obligation to defend a ban they believe to be unconstitutional."
“Mr. Holder said when laws touch on core constitutional issues like equal protection, an attorney general should apply the highest level of scrutiny before reaching a decision on whether to defend it,” the New York Times reports. “He said the decision should never be political or based on policy objections.”

Key phrase: ".....the decision should never be political or based on policy objections."  In my humble opinion that is exactly how AG Mark Herring of Virginia based his decision as well did the Attorneys General of states such as California, Pennsylvania, Nevada, etc. 

When those we elect to serve the public decide they are above the law there can only be one conclusion mere citizens could come to; that would be - well if THEY don't have to obey the law, then why should I!  The answer for many of us is simply that we should always do what is right and obey all law created by men that don't violate the word of God.

What do you think will be Herring's next move if left unchecked?  Guns...Abortion...What?  Anybody?


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