Monday, September 8, 2014


I wrote a letter to the editor not too long ago and the editor chose the above title to place on it.  Needless to say, none of the following  could be considered to be "missteps" by any stretch of the imagination but I'm always appreciative of having my letters printed:
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, Insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."  Preamble to the Constitution.

“Justice”, “Tranquility”,  “defence”, “Welfare”, “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”.  This administration has given us ‘turmoil and chaos’, wide open borders, increased welfare/decreased workers and jobs, and our liberty is being threatened everyday by a government that can’t, won’t or doesn’t know how to act with our enemies much less recognize them as such.  Our ‘posterity’ will inherit a debt they may never recover from. We have a government run amuck in every alphabet department you can name – IRS, NSA, ERA, NLRB, DOJ, GSA, VA, HHS, DHS and the list goes on. No previous president has been ‘perfect’ but this President outdoes them all in ways innumerable to count.  He has violated every single noted word from the Preamble and more without fear of retribution.  As a candidate in 2008, then Senator Obama stated, “We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming America” and that, people, is the one promise he has kept with the mainstream media a willing participant. 

The Constitution was never meant to be a ‘living document’, but rather one to live by with the intent that future generations would have a solid plan on which to build and govern a Republic.  We are drowning in a sea of ‘political correctness’, moral decay, divisiveness, religious oppression, hatemongering, trampled freedoms, and an unabated invasion of our borders.      

I believe we need to maintain a strong military yet it is being cut back to World War II levels putting us in too precarious a situation in today’s world.  There is a distinct difference in maintaining military strength and going to war; national defense is essential.  It is the duty of every President of the United States to follow all that is contained in the Preamble, the Constitution and Oath of Office.  Nothing less is acceptable.  
Not included in the letter to the editor (due to restrictions on the number of words) is the following:     
This President has sat idly by while an American Christian pastor, Saeed Abedini, has been held prisoner in Iran for over a year; an American Marine, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi has been held in a Mexican prison since March, 2014 on trumped up charges (while we allow illegals to storm our borders unquestioned, receiving all the benefits and more of citizens of this country); two journalists James Foley  and Steven Sotloff had their heads cut off by ISIS/ISIL terrorists; some 100 or so American citizens are believed to be fighting with ISIS/ISIL terrorists with NO consequence of losing their citizenship and, more mind-boggling, being told they will not be barred from re-entering this country, AND (let me catch my breath) some 6000 persons with expired visas who are nowhere to be found and nobody knows where they are.  Fancy that!

Additionally, he publicly sent condolences to the parents of Michael Brown, a black 18 year old shot by a white police officer AND several administration officials to his funeral  but failed to send any representatives or attend the funeral himself of slain  U.S. Army Maj. General Harold Green, murdered in Afghanistan by 'insiders'.  He also acted speedily in sending his henchman, Attorney General Eric Holder, on a 'fact finding mission for violation of civil rights' in Michael Brown's case but we haven't heard one chirp regarding Maj. General Green.

There is much more but the list is far too lengthy to itemize.  There is no question in my mind that the current occupant of the White House could care less about America and American citizens. 


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