Tuesday, April 21, 2015


There should not, under any circumstances, be a re-definition of marriage.  Traditional marriage has for centuries been tied to the belief that joins one man and one woman together to become as one, the basis of which is to procreate.  A natural union.  While in some instances procreation may not be possible that still does not negate the true meaning and intent.   Arguments of those homosexuals who use the inability to procreate is not justification to accept their particular life choice being called 'marriage'.   That does not make me a 'bigot', 'hateful' or 'homophobic' - choice adjectives used as bullying tactics to force acceptance.    

To date, there is no known,  scientific documentation that anyone is born a homosexual or, for that matter, that there is any recognized homosexual gene;  however, I believe that many things in a young person's life may contribute to the eventual move toward homosexuality, albeit misguided.   The American public is not being told the whole truth about this march to make homosexuality an 'acceptable, viable, alternative' lifestyle and  the real truth of 'unintended consequences' is not a pretty picture. 
Much of the responsibility for normalizing  homosexual behavior  can be laid at the feet of Alfred Kinsey and his  1948 Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.  According to Dr. Judith Reisman's exhaustive research on Kinsey, she found that the basis for his findings were predicated on the use of pedophiles and the sexual abuse of extremely young children - some only babies.  Decidedly sick yet several generations of humans relied on his distorted views and sick experiments. 

But, this is here and now and this 'movement' is wrecking havoc all over the United States as people, businesses, corporations, yes - even some religious groups, fall prey to a false narrative.   An evil designed to entirely purge the God of creation from existence. 

This April, the Supreme Court will hear arguments on marriage - their ultimate decision  will determine whether we keep the traditional definition as being between one man and one woman  or re-defined to include the 'right' of people of the same sex to call their union 'marriage'.   A decision is expected sometime the end of June.  Declaring the right of people of the same sex to re-define marriage opens a Pandora's box, without question!
Let me point out two documents in particular that many people may not know about:
#1 -The Gay Rights Platform In the United States (adopted by the National Coalition of GAY Organizations meeting in Chicago, Illinois, February 13, 1972 stating 9 demands of the Federal government which must be met and 8 demands of State governments which must be met; filed with the Federal Bureau of Investigation under GAY ACTIVISTS ALLIANCE, File Number: 100-469170.  A few of the demands:
       -  #6 - Federal  encouragement and support  for sex education courses, prepared and taught by qualified Gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference, lifestyle, and as a viable alternative to heterosexuality  [federal demand]
       - #7  - Repeal of all laws governing the age of consent  [state demand]
      - #8  - Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extention of legal benefits of marriage to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers. [state demand]
#2  - The Homosexual Manifesto entered into the US Congressional Record 15 February 1987
[This particular document is so raw and so crude it is almost unbelievable that human beings actually wrote it so I'm only going to quote one sick boast so you can get the general idea]: 

"We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of you shallow dreams and vulgar lies.  We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together."
I mean, really folks, you need to read some of this garbage to fully understand we are being fed the lie of "everybody should be able to marry who they love" when in reality  it has never been about anything else than a takeover by decadent, vile and radical homosexual activists who just want to make America the new Sodom and Gomorrah. 
The Supreme Court MUST uphold the right of states to define marriage (as they have done for years) and rule against the same sex re-definition of marriage which will force EVERYONE to accept it or fall under discrimination laws, regardless of  religious beliefs.  With few exceptions, most of the states (including my state of Virginia) have had their marriage amendments ruled unconstitutional by activist judges whose determinations were based on a fictitious ruling by the Supreme Court in the DOMA situation and their own personal biases.
And I haven't even gotten to the future "unintended consequences" or the current "unintended consequences" yet.



Sep 04, 2012 · Thomas Beatie, who became known as the world's first "Pregnant Man," wants to add to his family and have a fourth child. Beatie is a transgender male who.....


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