Saturday, June 21, 2014


A once highly placed individual in the Obama administration has been quoted as saying, "never let a crisis go to waste".  His name:  Rahm Emmanuel, currently mayor of Chicago.  I have never wondered what he meant by that because it is so obvious.  However, what is equally as obvious but not verbalized is: if there isn't a crisis then, by all means,  create one!  That is exactly what you are seeing as hundreds of thousands of 'children' are crossing our southern border on a scale never before seen.  A created crisis and I don't think we have to wonder who created it. 

For some reason, probably because my geography isn't all that great, I wondered how  small, unaccompanied children (as was being reported) could possibly get here from places like Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala via Mexico and wind up in Texas until I looked at a map and realized that it was all land travel, albeit a great distance, but the only real water crossing appeared to be along the Texas/Mexico border. 

I have been watching some of the scenes of "children" herded into areas that could not possibly be any better than conditions in the countries they left. 


What is not being fully reported is that many of these "children" are 15 -17 years old (some of the photos are very revealing).  
There are much younger, smaller children who are said to have traveled alone,  pregnant teenage girls,  some young children accompanied by either an older child, a man or a young woman, and groups posing as "families".  It is a circus and it is an abomination.  And, it has been reported that these children have "families" already here in the United States.  As a matter of fact, many of them (6 planes full) were recently flown to Massachusetts to be reunited with their "family".  Isn't that amazing?  And how would our government know that do you think?

This "chaos at the border" is the brainchild of a President with a dangerous agenda who is going to get his way on immigration one way or the other.  He refers to this as a "humanitarian crisis".  Does he really think we're that dumb?   

I had a quick thought on how to handle this created 'humanitarian crisis' - load them all on buses,  drop them off at the American embassy of their country and tell each of those ambassadors they need to get them out of the country within 7 days, at the expense of their country.  No excuses, no extensions, nothing - just get them out of here and send their illegal family members with them. 

Truth is, I feel extremely sorry for the small children, used as pawns in a move to so overwhelm this country with their presence that we are forced to make such a choice.  We are Americans, compassionate and caring and this disgusting tactic actually forces us to make decisions regarding them that are not in keeping with the feelings of our heart.  

It is my belief we don't need immigration reform.  Why?  Because we already have a comprehensive immigration policy that would work if the leader of this country would obey the law and enforce it.  But he doesn't.  So that begs the question - even if we do immigration reform is he, his sidekick Holder or his administration going to follow that reform either?  Don't think so.

I am not against immigration - legal immigration; however, at this point in time, we must concentrate on getting America back in order first.  Close the borders indefinitely; spend whatever is necessary to build a fence and place sufficient numbers of armed border patrol agents as a physical deterrent and give them what they need to be effective.  It is unfortunate that we must do this but necessary. 

In the meantime, government should start reviewing every single visa or work permit issued for expiration and announce that unless they come forward for renewal and verification, anyone who has an expired visa or work permit will be under immediate threat of arrest and deportation to their country of origin - no ifs, ands or buts.   It couldn't possibly cost any more than it is going to take to keep these people here receiving government benefits that we know they are going to get.  No more anchor babies allowed and no more 'uninvited' guests.    

With all this said it may seem I am an uncaring person but I'm not.  I just see the need for taking care of our own first, which to date, this current administration appears to have no indication of doing.  We need to change that.  We need to make America strong again. 

We need God back in America again.  FIRST!



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