Wednesday, June 25, 2014


The Agenda 
In seeking to persuade the every day uninformed citizen that a particular idea or 'movement' would be more 'equal' and/or provide 'true' equality for all,  a pattern or methodology must be introduced so as not to cause alarm or send signals as to what you are actually doing.  What better way to win over the uninformed individual   than to develop language specific to  what it is you want them to accept in such a way that appeals to their sense of 'fairness' and compassion?  So, how is this done?  By repetition.  Even when being fed a lie, the sheer repetition and 'logic' of the lie becomes the truth.  Let's just use one very important social issue - marriage.

How does the Socialist 'platform' view the issue?
"3)    We stand in opposition to all forms of oppression including but not limited to racism, sexism and homophobia."

How does the Communist 'platform' view the issue?
"Discredit the family as an institution.  Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce." 
(Communist Goals as recorded in the Congressional Record of the House of Representatives, January 10, 1963)

How does the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender 'platform' approach the issue? 
"Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by qualified Gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference, lifestyle, and as a viable alternative to heterosexuality" to be enacted at the state level as well and, also at the state level, 
 "Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extention of legal benefits of marriage to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers." 
(Item Nos. 7 [Federal]  and 1 & 8 [State] of the 1972 Gay Rights Platform in the United States (adopted by the National Coalition of Gay Organizations meeting in Chicago, Illinois, February 13, 1972 as filed with the Federal Bureau of Investigation)

Admittedly, the LGBT organization in its ''goals' was more forthcoming but the actions and methods used to carry out their agenda weren't, initially. 

Socialism is a political and economic theory that believes that government should control everything. It is a stage between overthrowing capitalism and creating a communist government and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered community have become an excellent tool to help accomplish that objective.  In 2010  Gateway Pundit published, from a release by the American Socialist Party, the names of "70  Congressional Democrats" then in their ranks.  A few of the more familiar names included John Conyers, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, and Charlie Rangel.  You will not find them listed anymore since U.S. House of Representatives Allen West brought it to the attention of the public (at which time he was laughed at and ridiculed).  But, the party is alive and well and going strong. 

The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) just this June,  held its convention in Chicago.  

Obama's part in all this will be discussed in a later article. 

The main thrust of this series will be the LGBT.  You will be provided with information you may never have seen or heard before which, when so informed, will allow you to make a more informed decision regarding the 'redefining of marriage' and the real impact it will have on ALL Americans, at present and in to the future.  

At this point I will finish with a quote from an article I just came upon:

"Marriage is not a right. You need a license to get married. You don't need a license for your rights".
(From an article written by Erick Bennett appearing in the Portland Sun, Sunday, September 2, 2012) 


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